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Selected Artwork

Please contact Kobus directly should you like to commission him to produce a specific piece of art.

Available art

Please contact Kobus directly should you be interested in any of these pieces or if you would like to commission him to produce a specific piece of art.

A brand new genre in the art world tailored to enhance the challenging corporate environment.

Illuminate your corporate image with a painting worth more than a thousand words.

Showcase your headquarters with a stunning depiction of ...

your accomplishments

your heritage

your vision 

Corporate Conceptual Art

"Birth of a Legacy"

Man has been created with the inborn ability and passion to be a creator. The entrepenerial spirit that lives in a small percentage of us, has produced most of the technology that has made the modern society what it is.


Birthing and growing an idea into a healthy concern follow certain patterns. The uniqueness of individuals ensures variety of leadership skills, yet basic principles remain similar. Any new venture depends on a visionary leader, (eyes). The focal point in this painting is the eye which represents the whole

person or team. The eye depicts characteristics of initiative, originality, drive, dynamism, motivation ambition, and much much more.

This leader or team, delves deep into ancient and spiritual knowledge, (scroll and book).


Ideas (light bulb) are generated, studied, and much time and energy is spent planning and dreaming, (metallic thinker and huge clock).


The symbolism of the metalic thinker portrays unmoveable resolve to stick to the idea until solutions are found for every challenge.


If the concept is sound, investments are made, (seed) and sometimes the risks are so great that one misstep could spell disaster (rock climber).


Goals are set (archer) and the operation is set in motion, (sprinter). Every hindrance is set aside and the focus is on reaching the goal.


Hard work is part and parcel of the undertaking (hammer and nail) Flexibility and sacrifice is a given. Sometimes the team functions as the hammer, and sometimes as the nail.

Communication is of utmost importance, (satelite and dish). Growth is initiated, (young vine).


When the target is achieved (arrow hitting the target) the shattering of the target symbolizes the constant setting of new goals. The shattering of the target also transforms into the original envisaged product (ripe fruit on the vine), bringing in profit, (coins) and new ideas or life, (dancing girl).

The whole venture means nothing unless society (city scape) benefits.


Binding everything together is a web of light. The light emanates from the original idea that set everything in motion. It touches and colors (characterizes) every single element that is involved. Thus a legacy touching and influencing future generations is birthed.

"The Glory Dream" Doxa Deo Church Hartbeespoort 6m X 2m (20' X 6')

"Light for the Nations" South Western Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth TX  5m X 2,4m (16' X 8')

"Sagemont Core Values" Sagemont Church Houston TX  15m X 2,4m (45 X 8')

"The Heritage of Gonzalo Ramirez Santana" Guadalajara Mexico  5m X 2m (16' X 6')

Please contact Kobus directly should you be interested in showcasing YOUR headquarters with art that tells YOUR story.

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